Munro Consulting has built and designed over 400 incredible website solutions

Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres

The Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres (MAFC) is made of up a network of 11 Friendship Centres located throughout Manitoba. This dynamic 75 page site is complex and very effective at deliverying information on everything Friendship Centre.

Wellman Lake Cabins

The Duck Mountains in Western Manitoba is home to the Wellman Lake Lodge and Cabins, this beautiful region is showcased in the new website for wellman Lake Cabins. Find all you need in this site to escape into the boreal forest and book your stay online.

Pine Creek First Nation

PCFN is a progressive First Nation that is using the FNGov technology to deliver real time information, news and events to its community members. The FNGov system also has capability to manage documents, video and podcast through the website. FNGov is also great for displaying Careers, tenders and First Nation business ventures.

Lac Seul Police Service

Located in Northwestern Ontario, LSPS required a dynamic solution to update its community members with an easy access system. FNGov uses software that search engines and analytic software.

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